Coronary Artery Angioplasty with Rotablation Procedure
Rotational Atherectomy or Rotablation is a safe and extensively used technique which features insertion of a small drill for the treatment of coronary artery disease. Rotablation is used with experience and the anticipation to tackle complications
When is rotablation recommended?
Sometimes heart disease patients have blockages in their arteries that are calcified and hard. These blockages may not respond to angioplasty, a procedure during which a tiny balloon at the end of a thin tube called a catheter is inserted into the artery and opened and closed to push aside the blockage. If the arterial plaque (a mixture of cholesterol, calcium and other substances) that is causing the blockage is too hard for the angioplasty balloon, the physician treating the blockage may recommend rotablation.A rotablator is a small drill with a burr on the end that is coated in diamond dust. The rotablator is small enough to fit in an artery and strong enough to drill through the calcified plaque - but is designed not to damage the artery walls. As the rotablator breaks up the blockage, it grinds the plaque into tiny pieces that can be safely carried away by your bloodstream. Eventually your body processes and eliminates the pieces of plaque. After rotablation, blood can flow through the artery again and supply vital oxygen and nutrients to the heart.
Dr. Vinesh Jain has introduced the Rotablation in Agra for the first time and since then Dr.Vinesh Jain has done enormous number of such cases successfully mostly complicated ones.
Pushpanjali institute of cardiac sciences is now the first and only Cardiac Centre in the region to have performed independent case of coronary artery angioplasty with ROTABLATION procedure under IVUS guidance. Rotablation is a very high-end angioplasty technique and is reserved for the most complex coronary cases with severe calcification. It is available in only premier cardiac centres across the country with very few trained rota operators. It is no mean feat for a peripheral centre like ours to Have been able to pull it off successfully. We can proudly proclaim that PICS is offering all coronary intervention facilities that are available in any part of the world.